Home | Spring Bouquet
Spring Bouquet
Cod. 128
The product on the image refers to Special Size. The Vase is not included in the price unless when explicity indicated.
Spring Bouquet
Bouquet of roses and daisies in shades of white and yellow.
Send a bouquet in the colors of the sun and snow.. just the perfect contrast!
For anniversary, birthday, birth, or just to say thank you.
More about this bouquet:
This bouquet includes roses and daisies in the shades of white and yellow and it is completed with nice greenery.
* Vase not included. You can add one in the next step.
Send a bouquet in the colors of the sun and snow.. just the perfect contrast!
For anniversary, birthday, birth, or just to say thank you.
More about this bouquet:
This bouquet includes roses and daisies in the shades of white and yellow and it is completed with nice greenery.
* Vase not included. You can add one in the next step.